Health food nutrition sharing about healthy food, Benefits of Fruits, Beverages, Cooking Recipes, Disease

Five healthy food

Some of the healthy food that very important for our body. And this healthy food also very good for the people want to diet, diet with healthy food.

1. Chocolate.
Chocolate is very important to maintain the beauty. Chocolate increase endorphins and serotonin production, two types of hormones that generate feelings of pleasure, comfort and happiness, which is good for the body.

2. Vitamin C.
This vitamin increase the immune system and make the body more resistant to disease attacks. Vitamin C also paenting a role in collagen production, chemicals in the body, which keeps the skin to remain elastic and free from wrinkles.

3. Soybean.
Soybean contains many anti oxidant substances that prevent cancer. This food also contains lots of vitamin E and amino acids, that are required to help the skin retain its elasticity and fineness.

4. Milk
Milk is a source of calcium and vitamin D for the body. calcium is very good for maintaining the strength of bones and teeth and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.
Milk also contains vitamins B2 and B12 that trigger the body to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells bring oxygen to body cells. Supply of healthy red blood cell in the smooth flow of blood to keep hair and skin appear more healthy.

5. Green vegetables.
Green vegetables Known contain many vitamins A, E, Fiber, iron. Vitamin A work to keep the moisture in the eyes, skin and membrane mukosa, while vitamin E maintains skin elasticity.
Conversely, improving fiber digestion system, and iron is required for the production of blood cells red.

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