vitamin A deficiency is very effect for health, particularly eye health. our eyes very need vitamin A for health. here we see what becomes the role of vitamin A in preventing blindness.
1. Interference in the nerve of a child (dim twilight) when symptoms have already started the dark invisible children blindly.
2. Interference on the outside of the ball marks on the coating of white children look dull, dry and does not scintillate.
Children who lack vitamin A visible condition of the body, that body weight does not necessarily dull hair, and skin also looks dim.
Sources of vitamin A have two:
1. Animal that has a high vitamin A content found in the liver, eggs, chicken meat. while the measure has a low vitamin A is in the susu fresh shrimp.
2. Nabati womb of high vitamin A found in the carrot, spinach, kangkung, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, sausage, pumpkin, sweet potato and red. who have low vitamin A contents in the bean, corn, eggplant, melon, banana, orange, star fruit. Doctor Ramzi Amin said the SPM green vegetable the higher the vitamin A contents.
Whoever does not want the beloved heart broken in the eyes, for the prevention of Feed should be given adequate nutrition and the application of the pattern of life is good for example when watching TV and reading. While for the treatment doctors recommend that if Ramzi Amin experience disruption in the immediate treatment to specialist eye doctors.
The role of vitamin A to prevent blindness
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