Benefits of Vitamin D for body
VITAMIN D or vitamin that can be obtained from food or produced by human skin exposed to sunlight, play an important role in improving the body's immune system.
The presence of vitamin D is very crucial for the body. Therefore, the weapon T cells of the body, the cells that attack and destroy bacteria and viruses that lodged in the body. Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have found that vitamin D was very important to activate the human immune system. Without vitamin D intake is sufficient, killer cells of the immune system (T cells) will not be able to react and fight serious infections in the body.
Well, that T cells can detect and kill foreign pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, the cells must be triggered first and then transformed from inactive cells and become dangerous killer cells are ready to find and destroy all the attackers.
The researchers found that T cells depend on vitamin D in the activation process. Thus, the body will be vulnerable if the deficiency of vitamin D in the blood. Researchers from the Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology Professor Carsten Geisler said, when dealing with T cells of foreign pathogens, these cells will be held device or antenna signal, known as the vitamin D receptor, which will search for vitamin D.
"This indicates the T cells must have a vitamin D or the activation of the cells will stop. If the T cells are unable to find enough vitamin D in the blood, they will not even begin to mobilize, "said Professor Carsten, as quoted
The results of these discoveries made scientists believe that providing much needed information on the immune system will help regulate the immune response.
This is important because not only fight the disease, but also in relation to the anti-immune reactions in the body and organ transplant rejection. After an organ transplant, T cells can attack the donor organ as "foreign attackers". In autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or Crohn's disease, the fragments of T-cells (cells to attack foreign body) leads to the body to attack itself.
For the research team, identified the role of vitamin D in the activation of T cells has become a major breakthrough. Scientists have long known that vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and vitamin has also been involved in diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. But what was revealed is how the true role of vitamin D is essential to activate the human immune system.
Furthermore, Carsten said the findings could help overcome the disease and even infectious disease outbreak. The study will also be very useful in developing a new vaccine, which works exactly as the basic formation of the human immune system. And reacted well suppress the body's natural defenses in critical situations (as in the case of organ transplants and autoimmune diseases). Benefits of vitamin D is also recognized by other researchers "Chris Griffiths" from "Queen Mary". Chris said, vitamin D helps increase the body's immune system's ability to fight infection.
"We found that a single dose of vitamin D that is large enough to improve one's immunity against the bacteria."
Until now there has been no significant research on the optimal intake of vitamin D needed by the body in one day. However, experts recommend for men and healthy women aged 14-50 years, it is recommended to take vitamin D as much as 5 micrograms or 200 international units (IU) per day. Once the age of 51, the recommended intake increased to 10 micrograms or 400 IU per day. Furthermore, at the age of 71 increased to 15 micrograms (600 IU).
The problem, perhaps there is still much to trivialize the role of vitamin D is. Sometimes people only consider the intake of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, but not much notice the little things like vitamins, particularly vitamin D. Macro nutrients are needed, but micro-nutrients are also very important in preventing disease, maintaining the immune system, ensure the body's energy levels, and various roles of vitamins and other antioxidants.
Vitamin D, including vitamin fat-soluble, and are required to maintain the body's general health. But because these vitamins are fat soluble and stored in fat cells of the body, this vitamin can be toxic if consumed in excess amount. Vitamin D can be found in some foods, including milk, cod liver oil, salmon and mackerel, tuna and sardines, cereals fortified with vitamin D, eggs, and margarine.
Another way the easiest to get this vitamin is briefly dwell on the early morning sun. Besides drinking milk, this is one of the easiest ways to ensure that you get vitamin D intake is sufficient.
Not necessarily every day if you're busy. But every person is recommended to get exposure to sunlight for 15 minutes, 2-3 times per week. Make sure as many parts of the body exposed to sunlight. This is to enhance the absorption of vitamin D by the skin.
Then with the heat of this world, the ozone layer is getting thinner, ultraviolet light is more dangerous, whether the sun is still a good morning for the upcoming vitamin d for our bodies? answer only clever people who know.
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