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Efficacy and Benefits of Papua Red Fruit

A. Cancer and Tumor
Cancer, one of the number one killer disease in the world. Cancer or tumor caused by a hormonal disorder that resulted in travel growing meat in normal tissues. This cancer can strike any part of the body, such as the uterus, breast, and even the brain. The disease had terminal cancer can cause death.

Role of red fruit in helping the healing of this cancer is that tocopherol content and relatively high betakaroten. Both these chemicals work together as antioxidants and enhance the immune system. As antioxidants, these compounds serve both to prevent and suppress reproductive cancer cells. Omega 3 is contained in the red fruit can also improve the function of damaged tissue, so it is recommended for people with "ca mammary or breast cancer.

Utilization of red juice to help the healing process of cancer should be combined with other herbs, such as white Intersection, Intersection mango, and taro mice that could kill cancer cells.

Cancer patients who had improved generally drink raw juices of one teaspoon twice a day. If you are drinking the juice, it is suggested not taking supplements containing vitamin E because vitamin E is contained in the red juice was high. Cholesterol condition should always be checked, because some people who ate the red fruit tends to increase cholesterol. Also recommended before taking a red fruit juice, cancer patients and consult with a doctor who specializes herbalis handle cancer.mmae disease or breast cancer.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS (aquired imunodeficiency syndrome), attacks the human body until the immune system becomes weak or missing. Therefore, people infected with HIV and have follow-up disease, usually can not recover because they have no immune system can fight the disease. This follow-up disease that causes the death of AIDS patients.

The immune system HIV/AIDS patients will usually weaken and if another disease could meet his death because his immune system weakened and unable to fight the disease. In the process of healing, red juice will improve the immune system and break the protein compounds into food HIV/AIDS. As a result, HIV/AIDS is increasingly weakened because they do not get food for breeding.

One of the chemical compounds in the red fruit is tocopherol or vitamin E and beta-carotene. Tocopherol and beta-carotene is functioning as an antioxidant and can improve the immune system become the main problem with HIV/AIDS. Both these compounds can also ward off free radicals. With the immune system is increased, patients with Al DS are expected to resist the attack penyakt follow-up. Tocopherol and beta-carotene are also combined to finally break down the amino acid needed by HIV, so the virus does not obtain food for survival. High protein in the red fruit can also help the protein intake required by people with AIDS. Combination with Centella asiatica and sambiloto can also be done, because it can serve as Centella asiatica antivirus and sambiloto as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory.

To help the healing of AIDS, this red fruit should be consumed as a companion and not leave medicine from doctors. Oil red fruit can be given as much as one teaspoon three times a day.

C. Blood Pressure
High blood pressure caused heart work that serves as a blood pump is not running as it should. Work of the heart in pumping blood that is too fast is what is called high blood pressure disease. One of the triggers of this phenomenon is the lack of blood oxygen and/or the blood is too thick. High blood pressure is accompanied by a narrowing of blood vessels can cause strokes.

Role of natural tocopherol in the red fruit is then worked thins the blood and facilitate blood circulation, so that the oxygen content in the blood to be normal. Due to blood viscosity and oxygen content to be normal, automatic blood pressure down or normal.

D. Uric Acid
The disease occurs due to uric acid liver function did not work properly, so that the liver produces too much uric acid. Uric acid is then deposited in the kidneys and into rock, then carried through the bloodstream to the body and accumulate, especially in the tips of fingers and toes.

Role of tocopherol in terms of helping the healing is to dilute the uric acid and facilitate blood flow, thus improving liver working system. Working system right liver is then able to reduce uric acid production and improve the work of the heart. Natural fat in the red fruit also can block out excess uric acid.

Although he was eating a red fruit juice, gout patients should remain on a diet to abstain from food that can trigger gout disease.

E. Stroke

Stroke is a disease that attacks the brain. The disease is usually caused by a frozen blood and accompanied by a narrowing of blood vessels. High blood pressure also became one of the triggers of this disease. If blood pressure rises, blood clot, and there was narrowing of blood vessels, blood supply to the brain will be reduced. In fact, the blood vessels can rupture. This disease can cause paralysis in the limbs, either total paralysis or paralysis of one.

Role of red fruit is to prevent and help treat a stroke. Chemical compounds that act is tocopherol. Tocopherol is in the red fruit is a natural tocopherol and prevents blood clots with thin. The effect, blood clotting can be avoided and the flow of blood to the brain becomes smooth. Red fruit also serve to improve the working system of the heart. Until the blood pressure is too high can be decreased.

Red juice to prevent and help cure a stroke can consume as much as one teaspoon 2-3 times a day. In addition, stroke patients are encouraged to notice the pattern of eating with a diet and not eat warfarin.

F. Disorder of eyes

Diseases that often strike the eye, such as temporary blindness and blindness disease, usually caused by deficiency of vitamin A. The body Meanwhile, vitamin A can not be produced by the body. This is where the role of beta-carotene in the red fruit. Beta-carotene is absorbed by the body and then converted into vitamin A.

G. Herpes

Herpes is a skin disease caused by the herpes virus. The disease is characterized by watery rash on the skin very itchy taste. Rash of this disease can attack the whole body or in the area around the genitals. Currently there are two types of herpes is herpes that attacks the skin and genital herpes attack. Skin herpes can attack all parts of the body surface of the skin and genital herpes are generally attacked the area around the human genitals. The spread of this virus is usually through intimate contact, clothing, sweat, and from an unhealthy environment.
Empirically, people with herpes who drank red juice and put the oil on the affected area of the body through the healing herpes. However, scientifically not known what compounds can cure herpes is.

H. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is often also called blood sugar disease. The disease is caused by disrupted pancreatic work, so it can not produce insulin in sufficient. As a result, disturbed carbohydrate metabolism and glucose can not be processed by the body, the sugar content in the blood increases, and then expelled along with urine. The symptoms of this disease is blood sugar content of sugar in the urine, weight loss, always thirsty and hungry, and urinate constantly.

Medical treatment for this disease is to regularly inject insulin. In addition, patients should also set up a strict diet and eating patterns. Diabetes healing process can be assisted by way of red fruit oil consumption for natural vitamin E or tocopherol it contains. Tocopherol in the red fruit of this will improve the work of the pancreas, so fungsiny, ja to secrete insulin to be perfect. To better maximize labor resources red fruit oil, people with diabetes mellitus is recommended to abstain from diets with foods that can cause diabetes mellitus.

I. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis or bone loss usually attack people who are elderly, especially women. The cause of osteoporosis is calcium deficient, so the body takes calcium from the bones and causes bones to become porous.

The ability of red fruit and help prevent osteoporosis caused healing juice contains high calcium. In every 100 grams of fresh red fruit contains 54,000 mg of calcium. And helps prevent osteoporosis treatment can be done by consuming the red fruit in the form of pasta, fresh red fruit, red fruit and oil.

J. Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid, hemorrhoids, or ulcer is often also called haemoroid. The disease is caused by swelling at the end of the release channel or rectum. The man who attacked at the anus hemorrhoid will feel hot and sick. This tormented feeling will occur mainly after eating spicy foods or during a bowel movement (BAB). In cases of severe hemorrhoid, sometimes anal glands can get leaned out. Such hemorrhoid is by the doctor usually will be operated.

Until now many hemorrhoid sufferers who have recovered after taking the red juice in a matter of weeks. However, there has been no information from the medical community about the efficacy of red juice in curing piles.

K. Lupus
According to the survey, until now there are at least 5000 people who died from the disease lupus. These diseases can be known by bercakbercak existence of a red butterfly shaped like a wound or bite scratches. This disease is an autoimmune disease that attacks the immune system from within and not able to recognize his own body tissue. Immune system lupus usually become wild and attack yourself. Who had severe lupus can cause an attack on the joints, skin, kidneys, liver, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. Usually this disease is also accompanied by appetite and weight loss, and hair loss.

Lupus disease there are two types, ie, discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Lupus species attack only DLE skin. SLE Lupus Lupus is more dangerous than DLE for attacking internal organs, and very dangerous. If lupus attacked a pregnant woman can result in miscarriage. SLE will usually gain weight when suffering is often exposed to the sun directly. Until now has not known for certain causes of this disease.

Role of red fruit in helping to cure the disease lupus is improving patient stamina. Red fruit in the treatment of this disease also function as antioxidants. Red fruit that is consumed is expected to boost the immune system, so that people with strong stamina and be able to fight the disease. Until now some of those with SLE who ate red juice has shown positive developments.

L. Increase Libido or Aphrodisiac

In the red juice testimonials help increase libido in men. However, from experiments conducted on 10 men, various levels of age, different effects, depending on his physical condition. There are reacted 15 minutes after drinking it, there is an hour or two hours, and some that did not react at all.

Vitamin E in a high number of red fruit can help improve sperm production, especially for men who lack sperm production. The combination of high vitamin E and the amount of energy that reaches 360 calories in fresh fruit is expected to act as aprodisiak.

M. Helps Improve Intelligence

One way to help improve the intelligence of the human brain is to stimulate the growth of the baby's brain in the womb and in infancy. One way is by taking the form of essential acids omega 3 and omega 6. Both should be consumed together to make the work effective. Compounds of omega 3 and omega 6 is found in red fruit as much as 7.8% and 8.8%. Both omega can stimulate the brain power that continues enhance intelligence.

Oil red fruit to enhance the brain works can be consumed in the form of oil or used as cooking oil when sauteing or cooking food. In the meantime, the children are encouraged to consume as much as one teaspoon once a day.

Efficacy and Benefits of Papua Red Fruit Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: HEALTH FOOD NUTRITION