9 Source of Vitamin D - Double benefit of vitamin D, not only as a reinforcement of bone but also prevention of various diseases is increasingly revealed. To get all these benefits, we are advised to consume 400 IU of vitamin D each day and 200 IU for adolescents less than 18 years.

Vitamin D deficiency linked to many chronic and life threatening diseases, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and memory loss. Fill your body's need for vitamin D through the following sources:
About 80 percent of the vitamin D we need comes from the sun. The recommended time for sunbathing is at 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 throughout the body for 10 minutes. To prevent the risk of skin cancer, avoid exposure to sunlight at 09.00 - 15.00.
Fish oil
Post fish oil supplements a bad taste. However, currently available in the market a variety of fish oil supplements that make it more comfortable on the tongue. Other than fish oil supplements rich in omega-3, it also contains vitamin D which is quite high.
This includes fish rich in omega-3. Available in the form of frozen fish, fresh or canned. Salmon contain vitamin D were four times more than agricultural products.
Tuna is a type of sea fish which is also rich in vitamin D, but also high in protein and omega-3.
Cow's milk, whether it is a full-fat or skim, naturally contain vitamin D and is also fortified with other essential nutrients. One glass of milk contains about 100 IU of vitamin D.
Most cereal products "ready to eat" on the market are fortified with vitamin D. Combine your cereal with milk rich in vitamin D as part of a healthy menu every day.
With content of about 21 IU of vitamin D in egg yolks and pure proteins in the whites, eggs are a nutritious food that must be consumed.
According to a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, white button mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet B rays for several hours to contain vitamin D is about 400 percent higher.
Shrimp is a source of omega-3 is high in protein but low in fat and calories. Shrimp served in a 85 g dose contains 129 IU of vitamin D.
Technorati Tags: vitamin d, source vitamin, benefit of vitamin, sun, healthy food, fitnes