Kidney Transplant Best solution Kidney failure - Decline in kidney function in patients with renal failure to make the final stage to perform dialysis therapy. However, patients must bear the cost of life is very high, because the replacement therapy of renal function is still very expensive. The best solution for people with kidney failure is a kidney transplant.
End-stage renal failure disease affects a growing number of residents. There are an estimated 70,000 cases of end stage renal failure in Indonesia and about 10 percent of dialysis therapy and until 2010 only about 600 people who have a kidney transplant.
According to Prof. Dr. Endang Susalit, Sp.PD-KEGH, kidney transplantation has many advantages compared to dialysis. "In general, quality of life is much better and the reliance on a very small medical facility. Kidney transplant operation is only performed once, while dialysis should be for life," she explained in a media event on education about kidney transplantation "Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital" (RSCM), Jakarta (12 / 1/2012).
She explained that compared to other countries, the number of patients undergoing a kidney transplant in Indonesia is little. This is because little information and a kidney transplant cost is still too expensive.
"Kidney transplant operation is still expensive, but when compared to dialysis to be for life, a kidney transplant is actually cheaper,"she said.
Kidney transplants are performed routinely by a team of doctors at the RSCM since 1977 with international standards. Even when this is available with the laparoscopic technique of minimally invasive surgery for kidney organ donor organ that can move more quickly to normal.