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Knowing Child Nutritional Status

Nutritional status of children is an important thing to be known by each parent. Need for more attention on growth and development based on the fact that the age of the children malnourished that occurred in this golden period, is irreversible (can not be recovered).

Data in 2007 showed 4 million Indonesian children under five are malnourished, 700 thousand of them suffered severe malnutrition. Meanwhile, those who received supplementary food program is only 39 thousand children.

Viewed from the heights, as much as 25.8 percent of Indonesian children under five short (SKRT 2004). Body size is short this is a sign of prolonged malnutrition. Furthermore, malnutrition can affect brain development in children. In fact, the brain grows during infancy. Rapid phase of brain growth takes place from fetal age 30 weeks until the baby is 18 months.

According to nutrition experts from the IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Khomsan Ali, MS, a standard reference for nutritional status of children is a Weight Loss by Age (BB/U), Weight Loss according to height (weight/height), and Height by Age (TB/U). While the classification is normal, underweight (thin), and fat.

For reference that uses height, if the conditions are less well known stunted (short). Guidelines used are based on standard tables WHO-NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics).

Nutritional status of children can know how to match * with the child's age (in months) with standard weight tables WHO-NCHS, if the weight is less, the less its nutrient status.

In the IHC (Integrated Service Post), has provided the Card Towards Healthy (KMS) which can also be used to predict the nutritional status of children based on KMS curve. Consider first the child's age, weight and then plot the curve of the KMS. If still within the green line then good nutritional status, if below the red line, then the status of malnutrition.

The difference with young children, the nutritional status of adults using the reference body mass index (BMI) or also called the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI value is obtained by calculating the weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in square meters). Normal BMI score between 18.5 and 25; skinny when less than 18.5, and obese if over 25. For example, 1.6 meters tall person, then the ideal weight is 48-64 kg.

Parameters commonly used to determine the nutritional status of children under five were weight, height, and head circumference. Head circumference as a measure often used to describe the nutritional status of brain development.

While the parameters of nutritional status that is commonly used in Indonesia is the weight according to age. This parameter is used thoroughly in the IHC.

According to Prof. Ali, to differentiate children malnourished and malnutrition can be done in the following way. Malnutrition is when your weight by age, calculated by Z score score less than -2, and malnutrition if the Z score less than -3. This means that malnutrition is more severe than the conditions of poor nutrition.

Toddler malnutrition sufferer looking thin, reddish hair (blond), sometimes distended abdomen, face, moon face due to edema (swelling) or monkey face (wrinkles), whiny kids, less responsive. If prolonged malnutrition will affect the brightness.

The main cause of malnutrition among children under five is poverty so that children disrupted access to food. Other causes are infections (diarrhea), ignorance of parents due to lack of knowledge of nutrition education so low, or a factor of food taboos, where nutritious food taboo, and should not be consumed by children under five.

Malnourished children under five can affect the physical and mental growth. Children seem short, skinny compared to his friends the same age that is more healthy. Upon entering school age can not be bothered achievement stands out for his intelligence.

To overcome the malnutrition cases require the role of families, health practitioners, and government. Government must improve the quality of IHC, do not merely for weighing and vaccinations, but should be improved in terms of nutrition counseling and provision of supplementary food quality, the government should be able to improve the welfare of the people to access food undisturbed.

The mothers in particular, must have patience when her son had problems eating, and more attention to daily food intake for children. Children must be protected from infectious diseases such as diarrhea or acute respiratory infection (Infectious Bronchi).

All the essential nutrients for children in the age of growth. Prof. Ali instructed to pay attention to the vegetable and animal food intake (side dishes), milk consumption is maintained, not too many snack foods (junk food) that will cause the child's loss of appetite. Notice also the intake of four of five perfectly healthy with enough quantity.[]

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