AS MUCH 60 percent of the world's 10 million children die from malnutrition. Two-thirds of children who died was caused by feeding errors. Children become malnourished, so has the body resistance is weak and vulnerable illness.
![Importance of Intake Nutrition at Child](
Many of the parents who think children are just feeding the stomach filling alone. In fact, feeding the child has another element which is far more essential than just to stop crying due to hunger. Indeed, food is necessary to the needs of nutrition, activity, growth and development, healing and disease prevention, as well as human survival.
Behind it, giving food to the baby's mother apparently made a lot of educational value in children. Children are taught to be disciplined, tata karma, invites children to like different foods, and strengthen the relationship of mother and child. According to Dr Sri S Nasar SpA (K), there are several factors that can affect child growth and development, namely genetic or heredity, nutrition, and stimulation.
"Genetic factor because it is the bearer of seed, can not intervene or modified," said Sri time MobiPresinutri launch in the Public Health Center of Bandung Hilir, Central Jakarta, some time ago. Conversely, said Sri, nutrients and stimulation can be designed and shaped so that parents can prepare them optimally.
One source of nutrients that the child is obtained from food. Again the problem is still a lot of parents who have not understood about this. Providing meals to children should be tailored to the needs and capacity of children themselves. This is because children need calories was greater than adults, that is for children under 3 years old need between 100-120 kcal/kg BW/day compared with adults who only need 35-40 kcal/kg BW/day.
But because kids stomach capacity is smaller than adults, then children should not be forced to eat in large numbers as adults. Thus, children should be fed in very small amounts but often. Like for example when adults eat three times a day, for feeding the child can be used five times a day.
For example with the following schedule: early morning breakfast with milk. By noon, give the kids a snack. After that, it's time for lunch and continued giving milk before nap time. Now, when the night, provide dinner and before going to sleep again give children milk. For a snack, a healthy mother can give, such as fruit or pudding.
Please note, children under the age of three years requires enough fats and oils for its development. Others with children over this age, the need for fats and oils do not become a principal. The essential nutrients for growing children, including amino acids (essential), calcium, iron, DHA and AA.
If the child nutrition is not fulfilled, it will suffer from malnutrition. World Body menyinyalir, malnutrition or malnutrition plays a major role towards the child's death. At least 60 percent of the world's 10 million children die from this disease. While two-thirds, died due to errors in feeding. Malnutrition of children under three years, may cause permanent disturbances in the brain. "Or the child may also experience a lack of ability to think," said Sri.
Malnutrition can be caused by nutrient deficiencies or even excess. When a shortage, then in his old age will children will experience bone fragility or osteoporosis, body resistance becomes disrupted, as well as reproductive disorders that can lead to infertility. While malnutrition due to overnutrition resulted in children suffering from obesity, the risk of coronary heart disease, to diabetes.
In order to improve understanding of families on nutrition and stimulation, Sari Husada launches MobiPresinutri that will reach tens of thousands of families in hundreds of areas on the island of Java. Vehicle for nutrition education and stimulation precision of this tour will come to 125 points on the island of Java until July 5, 2010. 'MobiPresinutri' is a specially designed bus, wherein there are about eight types of games supporting child development, as well as a vehicle for nutrition education of mothers and children.
Marketing Manager of SGM George Yudhisthira express, educate people about the nutritional needs are still unmet maximum. Respond to this need, Sari Husada by formula brandsusu SGM and SGM Explora 3 Active 4, creating MobiPresinutri. This also is also a form of support encouraging the role of Sari Husada posyandu scattered in various cities in Indonesia.
"MobiPresinutri will start a roadshow in the Greater Jakarta area, some cities such as Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, Solo, Semarang, Madiun, Malang, with a total of more than 10 cities," explained George.
While Ignatius Ari Djoko Purnomo, Corporate Communications Sari Husada explain, other than to reach out to as many people, this activity is also intended to provide inspiration for maternal and child health services such as neighborhood health center or clinic. In addition to neighborhood health center and health center, also will close MobiPresinutri nutrition education in schools, including early childhood education or early childhood.
(Koran SI/SI Newspapers /tty)