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Beware of Kidney Stones in Children

Taken from - Health experts in the United States was troubled. Gather data from 42 children's hospitals in the superpower shows the increase in cases of kidney stones in children.

Of the 125 cases in 1999 to 1389 in the year 2008. Study results published in medical journal The Journal of Urology shows that the data did not differ significantly. An increase in 57 cases per 100 000 child being treated in hospitals in 2008 than before only 18 of 100 000 in 1999.

Kidney stones in general suffered by adults over the age of 40 years. But in fact this disease could happen to anyone, even children. Although kidney stones do not cause harm, but can cause extreme pain.

Kidney stones usually occur because of crystal formation caused by the urine is too concentrated. Salts of calcium, uric acid, Sistin and other materials in the urine can crystallize and form a mineral deposit to even-sized pebbles.

Pain usually occurs when the stones apart, left kidney and down through the ureter. The pain can be felt to start from the back or side of the body below the ribs down. When the stone moves to the bladder, the pain spread to the groin area. However, there are many stones in the kidney that does not give new symptoms and are detected during X-ray done for other problems.

According to experts, kidney stones in children can be associated with certain health conditions, such as obesity. Other factors also play a role is a pattern of eating. Lack of drinking water and many foods that contain sodium and animal fats are also identified cause of kidney stones.

Those who have kidney stones should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day, including one glass before bed. Adequate fluid intake to dilute the urine so that the possibility of the formation of crystals become small.

Total body water requirement is 1 ml/kilo calories (kcals) of energy needs of our bodies. Energy needs of adolescents and adults between 1800-3000 kcals, then the body's water needs for adolescents and adults ranging from 1.8 to 3.0 liters/day. Because approximately one third of our body water consumption is obtained from food, drink the water consumption of around 2 liters a day.

Dangers of dehydration
According Prof.Dr.Ir.Hardinsyah, head of the Indonesian hydration Study (Thirst), children and adolescents are also vulnerable groups dehydrated. The results did show, the number of teenagers suffering from mild dehydration Indonesia reached 49.5 percent and amounted to 42.5 percent of adults.

He explained that it was more mild dehydration due to public ignorance of the importance of drinking water are also factors in addition to the difficulty of access to clean water, especially in some parts of Indonesia.

Dr.Tan Shot Yen, in his book, I Choose Healthy and Recover mention, the human body has no reserves of water for use during the dehydration, which is why humans need to drink throughout the day. Dehydration will cause the deposition of toxins in the gap tissue, joints, kidneys, liver, brain and skin. Water is also clean the toxins, he wrote.

'Dr.Jonathan C. Routh' from Childrens Hospital Boston, USA, as quoted reutershealth mention keeping the body in a state of hydration is one of prevention of kidney stones, including for children.

That's why parents must teach children the importance of regular drinking before feeling thirsty. Especially during hot weather, like now. Thirst is a sign that the body is experiencing loss of body fluids.

Beware of Kidney Stones in Children Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: HEALTH FOOD NUTRITION